(D) 765.315.9292 / (S) 317.679.6167

Except for raising a family, painting is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I find it extremely difficult to summarize why I paint. All I know is that when I paint, everything else stops, and I lose myself in the painting. I want people who see my work to share in that feeling.

Recently, my interest in Western Art has been re-ignited in a big way because of a trip that Debbie and I took in 2022 to South Dakota where we spent several wonderful days at a working ranch. There I had unlimited access to photograph models including Native Americans, cowboys (and girls), mountain men (and women), and more. Some of the paintings based on this trip are just now starting to appear in my Painting Portfolio (appears below “Painting News” on the “Painting” page). Click on the “Painting” link in the menu. There are more works in various phases of completion in my studio with many more to come.

Some may find this strange, but I actually try not to refer to myself as an “artist” because when I look at the master painters of yesterday as well as modern masters, I have a very long way to go to earn the title of “artist”. I hope to always strive to achieve that status, but until then I will be just a “painter” who is trying to be the best he can be.

My informal art training began years ago when my dad would take me out to sketch. Those early times instilled in me a love for painting and nature. Painting was put on the back burner while I pursued a formal education in graphic design and illustration in Colorado. After four decades of creating award winning communications for a variety of business sectors, I concluded that it was time to return to painting.

Today my work is in collections from Maine to Colorado and has been shown, sold, and garnered awards in competitive exhibitions in Indiana, Colorado, Texas, and California.

As part of my continuing education, I look at a lot of paintings and I would have to say that I am influenced somehow by just about everything I see. Some of it is positive and some of it is negative, but all of it helps me to define my direction.

I invite you to join me in the journey.